Monday, December 12, 2011


So with the new edition of 40k coming out next year and the Necrons finally getting a revamp I figured I would jump into the game again. With the help of bartertown I was able to move most of my unused stuff for stuff that I will use. I traded/sold away everything except my Menoth from PP and used what I had left over to pick up about 1800 points of Necrons.

A few pictures of what I have in store for myself:

 4 Necron Arks, I plan on magnetize these in order to swap them between Doomsday and Ghost arks. I am doing an article on how I did it, so stay tuned for that.

Warriors - 28ish ... got these in a trade from Barter town and they said 28 but there seems to be much more than that
More warriors - 2 box sets for 24 warriors
2 Barges - this is 2 of 3, I got one early for Christmas and put it together already, pictures later (hopefully)
Destroyers and Lord
The whole group shot of Warriors, Arks, and Barges

So as you can see I have a lot of work to do... Wish me luck!
